StereoPhoto Maker and StereoMovie Maker
View, edit and save your stereo images or videos. All popular 3D formats are supported, and the programs
are free and easy to use. They're essential kit. All the information you'll need to use them is on the help pages. Visit Muttyan's homepage for more 3D Applications.
Societies and Clubs
The International Stereoscopic Union
is an international body that we're affiliated with. Check out their links page to find out about clubs worldwide as well as events, galleries and exhibitions. They also issue a journal 'Stereoscopy'
Hosts of the Southern Cross International Exhibition of Stereo Photography - an annual competition supported by Photographic Society of America.
Member's Websites
If you're interest was piqued by Eric Scanlen's pictures, you can find out more here.
Stereoscopic and panoramic photography
Discussion of all things 3D
3D essentials