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Welcome to the Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand

Who are we?

We’re a small group of enthusiasts with a shared interest in stereo photography. Our particular interests vary quite widely, some of us just like to snap photos or shoot video, and some of us are more technically minded and enjoy fiddling with 3D cameras. Membership is spread around New Zealand but most of us are in the upper North Island. 


We meet up at least 2 times a year (we have the odd Auckland based 'projection evening' in between) at a member’s home to view each others images, and those from overseas clubs. We chat about 3D developments, problems we may be having and socialise around a dinner.

Viewing in the old days meant projecting stereoscopic slides, but these days we have a paired digital projector system so we can view our digital images on the big screen.


There are also several 'folios' in circulation around NZ and overseas. Participants add a few images and comment on each others images. Some members prefer to participate only in the folios.


With this website comes another way for us to interact, a gallery where members can post their images, and have them viewed and commented on by other members, and visitors from around the world. 


The SSNZ is a member of the International Stereoscopic Union – ISU (one of our members was the ISU Treasurer for a number of years). We contribute to an ISU folio which is projected at our meetings. The ISU also publishes a full colour magazine.


If you're interested in joining the club or just want to ask a question, click here to go to the Contact Us page. If you're really keen, you can even download an application form.  We'd love to hear from you!

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